Todd Johns Law, LLC


(570) 876-6903

In a Car Accident? Or Like To Know What To Do If You Are? Call Todd Johns
We Can Help You!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How do I know if I need an attorney or if I should handle my case myself?
    A: The best way to get an answer is to contact a reputable attorney who can evaluate your case and advise you how best to proceed.

    Q: How will the attorney be paid for their services if I hire them?
    A: In many cases, the attorney in a personal injury action will be paid a contingency fee, which is a fixed percentage of any recovery received.

    Q: What if I don’t receive any money for my claim, will I have to pay the attorney out of my pocket for his services?
    A: Under a contingency fee agreement there is no fee until you win your case.

    Q: How much will it cost to speak to an attorney about my case?
    A: While some attorneys may charge a fee for an initial consult, your initial consultation with Attorney Johns is ALWAYS FREE!

    Q: If I have limited tort can I still make a claim if I am in an accident?
    A: In the case of limited tort auto insurance policy, your right to recover pain and suffering damages may be limited. However, the law provides exceptions to such limits, so whether you have full or limited tort coverage you should contact an experienced attorney to fully evaluate your claim.

    Q: If I file a personal injury claim will I have to go to court?
    A: In most cases, a claim can be settled without going to trial; however, in some cases that will be the only way you may be fully compensated for your loss. That is why you should always choose an attorney with the training and experience necessary to take your case to trial when that’s what it takes to get justice.